Wednesday 28 July 2021

A few reminders

 What a great start to the week we have had!

The children are incredibly settled and have loved their new learning space.


Reports will be sent home this Friday.  Inside the envelope will be another piece of paper, please take the time to complete this and bring to the interviews next week.


Next week we will have Three-Way Goal Setting Conferences for Parent/Student/Teacher.

Students and their parent(s) need to make an appointment to attend a 10-minute conference with the child's teacher on one of these two days. 

Appointments available

Tuesday 3 August 3.10pm - 6pm

Wednesday 4 August 3.10pm - 6pm

How to make a booking

Bookings are now open. How do parents make a booking for their child's Three-Way Conference?

Via the following link and enter the code aemzc

Via the links button on our School App - select School Interviews - enter the code aemzc

Please note: If you are late for your appointment you might be asked to rebook for another time. This is because the class teacher needs to consider the bookings made by other families and keep to the times they have booked for. 

We look forward to seeing you and your child at the conference.

Life Education

You may have noticed the Life Education van has arrived at school.  We will be visiting Harold and Katie over the next few weeks and learning about positive relationships and how to keep ourselves healthy.

Keeping Ourselves Safe

We will also be running the Keeping Ourselves Safe programme later this term alongside the NZ Police.   Please see below:

Kia ora koutou,

I would like to acknowledge St Mary’s school for their ongoing commitment to delivering the Keeping Ourselves Safe (KOS) programme. KOS is a personal safety programme that teaches students vital interpersonal skills in different situations. You can find out about the programme at:

The programme will be delivered by classroom teachers from 23rd August. There will be a community hui at St Mary's School on Monday 9 August, 5.15-6pm, in Room 14, where I will explain what the programme entails, and share some tips about keeping your young ones safe. You are encouraged to attend.

Please take time to speak with your children about what they are learning in the programme. It will also give you an opportunity to reinforce your family’s values and expectations.

If you have any questions please contact me

E mihi ana

Viv Sutton

We have been busy practising meditation at school as part of our prayer time.  I have been so proud of the way the children spend time being still and silent as they invite Jesus into their hearts.  If you would like to know more about our Christian meditation please ask your child.

Sunday 25 July 2021

Term 3, Week 1

 Welcome back to T3!  We hope you all had a restful holiday break.

The teachers spent their holidays participating in professional learning and are keen to begin implementing our new learning with the children.   We also have been busy changing things up in our classroom and are excited to see what the children think of their new space.

This week we welcome Mrs Jane Trask to the Kākano whanau.   Mrs Trask and her new children will be working in the room just outside of Kākano.  We can't wait to welcome our new friends.

What is happening this week…

Monday: Normal school day

Tuesday: Normal school day

Wednesday: Normal school day

Thursday: Matariki Liturgy 12:15 in the school hall (all parents and families are welcomed)

Friday: Library / Sausage Sizzle and Juicies for sale ($1.50 each) / School assembly (new children welcomed)

PTA Notices:

PTA AGM The PTA AGM is scheduled for  7pm Wednesday 28 July - first week back Term Three - in the school staffroom. All are  welcome to attend. There will be drinks and nibbles provided!!

Please come into the school via the Carnot Street gate and enter the building through the student entrance alongside the school office.


See you all tomorrow, 

The Kākano Teachers

Mrs Mines, Mrs Mareroa, Mrs Thomson, Whaea Shayla, Mrs Trask

Wednesday 7 July 2021

End of Term Reminders

Matariki Soup

We are celebrating Matariki tomorrow with homemade soup, bread rolls, steamed pudding, custard and fruit salad.  All the food has been made by the children this week at school.  Please remember to give your child a gold coin (this covers the cost of ingredients the teachers have bought), a bowl and a spoon.

Cross Country

We are having our Cross Country race tomorrow.  Please ensure your child has shoes and clothes to run in.  If your child has the school PE gear they can wear that, otherwise, any running clothes will be great.  The children will be running in age groups starting with the 5-year-old girls at 11:45.  If you can help out with marshalling please pop in tomorrow between 11:15 and 11:30.

Holiday activities

I have prepared a few things you can do with your child at home over the school holidays.  Each child will get information on how to log in to Sunshine Classics.  This is an online reading library with activities for the children to complete.  The children will also have a few extra readers in their book bags you can read with them over the break.  I can not stress the importance of keeping regular reading habits during the holiday break.  Remember you can read to your child or they can read to you.  The more we read the better we get.

Winter bugs

We have had many children away over the past few days.  Please keep them at home if your child is unwell with winter bugs such as snotty noses, chesty coughs or high temperatures.  We need to make sure cold and flu symptoms are not spread through the class.

Thursday is our last day of school!  Friday is a Teacher Only Day.  I wish you all a restful holiday break.  Enjoy spending time with your child.


Tuesday 6 July 2021



The school disco this Thursday starts at 5:30!

Cross Country

We still need help with our Cross Country.  Please let me know ASAP if you are able to help out.  If the weather is not looking good we will have to cancel the event.


Sunday 4 July 2021

Wiki Tekau (Week 10)

 Kia Ora e te Whanau,


We hope you have had an awesome weekend enjoying the sunshine and possibly looking out for our Matariki Stars in the early hours of the morning.


We are so close to the end of term and only have 4 more school days left! How did time fly so quickly? This week children need to be at school from Monday – Thursday as Friday is a Teachers Only Day. Please contact Mary-Ann Roling from Glenholme Afterschool on 347 0709 or 0211 215599 if you need childcare on this day. 

We would like to congratulate all the children in Kākano 4, 5, 6, and 7 for the amazing assemblies they have prepared for the school in the last 3 weeks. You were all so brave and confident and we are so proud of you. Also a big thank you to all our parents and whanau that came along to these assemblies, your presence was felt by the children and the school!


We have a very busy and action packed week ahead with things happening before, during and after school.


In the mornings we have our play provocations set up ready for the children to start learning and interacting with others. It is important that children arrive at school at the correct time. School Starts at 8:45am. We want our children to be actively engaged in the play provocations that are set up for them in the morning as well as allow them time to settle into school and get their jobs done. If children arrive after 8:45am, they will need to go to the office to be marked present for the school day.

During school this week we have our Junior School Cross Country and Our Matariki Soup Meal.

We have our Junior school Cross Country this Thursday starting at 11:45am. Our children have been training for this over the last few weeks and are getting very excited for the cross country. If you are available to help out as a supportive marshall on the day please let your child's teacher know before Thursday please. We would love parent/whanau support and we are sure that the children would love to see you there too!


Here is the notice that was sent home on Friday with all the information, if you have any further questions please email or pop in and see any of the Kākano Teachers.

We also have our Matariki Soup Meal on Thursday. Children will need to bring a gold coin donation, a bowl and a spoon. We are doing this to celebrate the Matariki New Year with the tamariki in Kākano. Matariki is a very important time and it signals a time of remembrance, joy and peace. It is a time for people to come together and celebrate.

After School this week we also have our Matariki – Star Themed Disco


Our Matariki- Star themed Disco is a very fun night and we would love to see you all there. It starts at 5pm and ends at 7pm and is on the last school day for the children of term two. What better way to celebrate all the hard work the children have been doing. It is a $2 Entry and is themed Matariki / Stars... so come dressed up as a literal star, your favourite movie star, pop star, sports star etc. The notice is attached below with all the information needed.




On Thursday children will be sent home with a holiday learning pack to get their brains pumping with all the learning we have been doing in class over the last few weeks. Please check their book bags and school bags to see what they have brought home for the holidays.


There will also be a few changes made to our classroom spaces in the holidays so children will get a bit of surprise at the start of Term 3 once we have moved things around.


We are also wanting to create some more realistic learning spaces for children to engage in throughout the day. We want to revamp our family area so that it looks like our homes. We will be starting with a new kitchen for the children to play with. If you have anything of good use at home that is no longer in need, please feel free to bring it in. At the moment we have a kitchen sink, stove and microwave. We are still on the hunt for more things to make our kitchen into a KITCHEN. The children love cutlery, plates, cups, pots, pans, bowls, etc.


The R.E Leaders would like us to remind children and whanau that there is a R.E annual art competition with some great prizes up for grabs. Below is the information you need to know about this competition:




Week Overview:


Monday – K4 and K6 Mass; St Mary's Church 9am (families are invited)

Tuesday – Normal School Day

Wednesday - Normal School Day / 3 Students from each Kākano attending Principals Morning Tea

Thursday – Junior Cross Country / Matariki Soup / School Disco.



See you all tomorrow.


Whaea Shayla, Mrs Mareroa, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Mines.

Prizegiving Streaming Information

LIVESTREAMING TOMORROW'S PRIZEGIVINGS 9:15am Totara Prizegiving uK68b_gXrOw 11:15am Kakano Prizegiving  https://youtu...